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diumenge, 18 de febrer del 2007

The Real Tortilla Party!

17/02/07 Saturday Night, Tortilla's Night!

Tras un par de intentos de fiesta.. finalmente aprovechamos una noche de Sábado!!!
Cena en corridor del 9th floor, tortilla de patatas, embutido real (no más svenskachopped please!) ensalada de arroz y otras sorpresas.

Fa goig aquest sopaaar

After the first attempts to have a party and take profit of the whole night.. We got it!
Spanish dinner in 9th floor corridor, and party in grodans!

No es un Enano de Jardín.. soy yo sacando pecho con mi Primera criatura! ->

Muestra de folklore Catalanska. Castellers. Mui, com es diu aquest??? Pilar de 5?
Catalanska Folk sample. Castellers

Después conseguimos llegar al Pendeltag a tiempo y salir! increíble. El club "Groddan" cumple con lo esperado, aunque a día de hoy aún algunos no podrían describir la música o algo más que algunos flashes de la noche.

After dinner, taking the Pendeltag ON TIME (we are spanish, it's not easy) and Groddan Club! Some of us is still trying to remember something of that nigh...

Dani's luckiest day in his life
Hej! it's 2 pairs of globes..

Very trendy-->

He has the whole world..In his hands..

Group Pictures!!

Pocos pensaban que las tortillas españolas de la cena darían paso a las tortilleras suecas para acabar la noche!
Few thought that the Spanish tortillas of the dinner would open the way to the Swedish tortilleras to finish the night!

Por último unas clases de Canto y potencia pulmonar en el viaje de bus de vuelta a FlemingsGhetto, a cargo del Profesor Mui (que pulmón... MUIntserrat Caballé ¿?). Arrancó tantos aplausos como llantos. Dani.. acostumbrado al Metal, se durmió. Cómo pudiste ????

Como viene siendo habitual, desayuno de Prawn en casa de Mui. Crearemos aficion???

Finally, Singing in the buss, performed by Mui. great lungs, oh yeaaah. Since Dani is accostumed to Metal, it was like a cradle song.

As it's being usual, early noodle-breakfast at Mui's home.

Agradecimientos Thanks to

Omar!! Actually you are named as officiall photographer of FBerg Nightlife!
Alexander, Camilla, Dani, Javi : bonito corridor... recuerdos a la montaña de platos por fregar!
Nice corridor. Regards to the ditry dish-tower
Horny-swedish-girlies : Grrrrr

To comment and criticise is your duty! please don't be kind, we like being punished (Javi was also started in Sado practices)

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

All in all a great coverage on a great evening. Keep it up!

Anònim ha dit...

Truita de Meuca? Mmmm....
Ki fos ou o ki fos pollastre...

Stockholm landskapes